Pick of the week
Posted on 24th June 2020
Hello again! You are probably wondering what's open in and around Harrogate, so you know what you can do during your stay, if you book a holiday in Harrogate... KNOW BEFORE YOU GO! #EscapeTheEveryDay
But what is open in Harrogate during the coronavirus pandemic?
You may remember from our very first blog post the following: "Harrogate may not be a big city like the nearby cities of York, Leeds or Ripon. But it is an architecturally beautiful large town, with lovely surrounding villages, market towns and breathtaking countryside nearby that you can visit easily from Harrogate, via public transport or by car. There are enchanting Castles, historic Abbeys and grand Stately homes you can visit nearby too. All of which contribute to the wonderful "Harrogate Lifestyle" that so many people enjoy today." Well we plan to raise awareness about local businesses open during the Coronavirus Pandemic with our #EscapeTheEveryday Pick of the Weeks...
"Top Pick of the Week to Visit!"
#EscapeTheEveryDay Pick of the weeks to date...
Harrogate Lifestyle Luxury Serviced Apartments
We also have some excellent special offers. Book by phone 01423 568820, email info@harrogatelifestyleapartments.com or online via our website.
Each week we will be sending out a newsletter letting you know about a local site to Harrogate, which is currently open and comes highly recommend by our Harrogate Lifestyle team, so you know what is available to visit during your stay at Harrogate Lifestyle Apartments. #KnowBeforeYouGo

Get involved with our pick of the week recommendations... Where is you're favorite spot in Harrogate and why?

Tagged as: Pick of the week - KNOW BEFORE YOU GO
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