God Save The Queen
Posted on 12th May 2022
Hello again! You are probably wondering what's going on in Harrogate for the Queen's Jubilee Bank Holiday Weekend, so you know what you can do during your stay when you book a holiday in Harrogate... #GodSavetheQueen
Harrogate Celebrates the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee with Outdoor Family-Friendly Fun-Fest
Visitors and residents are invited to head into the heart of Harrogate for picnics, pageantry and a family-friendly party, joining the nation in celebrating Her Majesty the Queen’s 70 years of service over a unique bank holiday weekend stretching from 2nd – 5th June 2022.
Can't find what you're looking for? Get in touch... Book by phone 01423 568820, email info@harrogatelifestyleapartments.com or online via our website.

Tagged as: God Save The Queen
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